
Mobile Interfaces

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Mobile computing offers the possibility of dramatically expanding the versatility of computers, by bringing them off the desktop and into new and unique contexts. However, this new found versatility poses difficult challenges for user interface ( UI ) designers.

What does mobile Interface mean ?!

It means The user interface, or UI, of a device is the look and feel of the on-screen menu system. How it works, its color scheme, how it responds to button presses, all of these things are part of the user interface. The term is also sometimes used to refer to the piece of software that resides on a smartphone that deals with typical user interface issues. For example, UIQ and Nokia S60 are both user interfaces that run on the Symbian OS on smartphones. They each have a very different look and feel to them.

Another concept:

Universal Mobile Interface (UMI) is a software concept designed to overcome key barriers to mass usage of mobile services. By running server-based services “over the top”, the end user always has access to personal content and data irrespective of operator or device. Operator and device independent services increase the users’ willingness to create personalized web interfaces, store contacts, etc. and to share the UMI software itself along with the services themselves. By having many services interlinked through the same user interface the problem of utilizing data across applications and running parallel programs is overcome. As all Internet links are available through the server, there is no need to type in URLs. The specific link may be represented graphically in the UI and can be clicked on directly. Any link is easily saved and shared.

Portable devices come with different limitations in user interaction like limited display size, small keyboard, and different sorts of input and output capabilities. With the advance of speech recognition and speech synthesis technologies, their complementary use becomes attractive for mobile devices in order to implement real multimodal user interaction. However, current systems and formats do not sufficiently integrate advanced multimodal interactions.

While there has been much successful work in developing rules to guide the design and
implementation of interfaces for desktop machines and their applications, the design of mobile
device interfaces is still relatively unexplored and unproven.
Mobile device interface design is more restrictive than desktop interface design because of relatively limited computing and communication power, smaller platform sizes, an always-changing context and smaller amounts of user attention.


  •      easy of use.

  •  Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts:

As the frequency of use increases, so does a user's desires to reduce the number of interactions and to increase the pace of interaction. Because time is often more critical to a mobile device user. Reducing the number of operations needed to perform regular (i.e., repetitive) tasks is a key factor in the ease of use of mobile devices.


However, the mobile phone also has important disadvantages compared to the PC:
  • Physical limitations, e.g. small screen, limited keyboard
  • The large number of different operating systems as well as different versions of enabling software such as Java.
  • Limited memory and bandwidth capabilities which reduces the capacity to run applications in parallel and makes it difficult to switch between different applications.

Some important rules for using mobile interface:

 1- The “look and feel” should be the same across multiple platforms and devices:

  • Elements of mobile interfaces such as names, color schemes, and dialog appearances should be the same as their desktop counterpart.
  • Create input/output methodologies that are device independent - avoid using methods specific to mobile.

2- Reversal of actions:

Mobile applications should rely network connectivity as little as possible.

3- Error prevention and simple error handling:

 Nothing potentially harmful should be triggered by too simple an operation (e.g., power on/off).

4-Reduce short-term memory load:

·   Rely on recognition of function choices instead of memorization of commands.
·   Use modalities such as sound to convey information where appropriate.

5- Design for multiple and dynamic contexts:
·   Allow users to configure output to their needs and preferences (e.g., text size, brightness).
·   Allow for single- or no-handed operation.
·   Have the application adapt itself automatically to the user’s current environment.

6- Design for small devices:
      ·  Provide word selection instead of requiring text input .

7-  Design for limited and split attention: 
     ·   Provide sound and tactile output options.

8- Design for speed and recovery:

·   Allow applications to be stopped, started, and resumed with little or no effort.
·   Application should be up and running quickly.

9- Design for “top-down” interaction:
      ·   Present high levels of information and let users decide whether or not to retrieve details.

10-  Allow for personalization: 
·          ·  Provide users the ability to change settings to their needs or liking.

11- Design for enjoyment:
       . Applications should be visually pleasing and fun as well as usable ·     

Examples For Mobile Interfaces :

Android interface 


BlackBerry interface

iphone interface


Mobile computing represents a staggering opportunity for web designers and developers who want to become productive on mobile. Yes, there is a bit of a learning curve, but much of a web professional’s legacy experience, skills, and tools will translate nicely. Admittedly, the rate of change in the mobile world can be a bit daunting at times – but hey… at least it’s never boring.

References : ·                 


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